"You will be an official representative of the Church. . . . Your purpose will be to invite others to come unto Christ . . . Greater blessings and more happiness than you have yet experienced await you as you humbly and prayerfully serve the Lord in this labor of love among His children. We place our confidence in you." Thomas S. Monson

Monday, November 24, 2014

Do I have any personal traditions or sins that lead me away from God?

This past week has been extremely busy, but very edifying.  We started with Zone Training Meeting on Tuesday where I gave a lesson on planning.  Then, Wednesday, I did a split with Elder Miller, who had gotten here about three weeks before.  Friday we had zone conference, which was fantastic!  Saturday and Sunday we had District Conference, where I had to play piano for EVERY session and the district choir (kinda stressful - especially playing with a speaker system on an electric piano on Sunday; there was no return speaker, so I had no idea what I was actually playing).  So yeah, busy week.

I decided this week for my blog post to share the messages from District conference.  It was a continent-wide conference, which was pretty special already.  The speakers were Elder Robert C. Gay, of the Seventy; Sister Jean A. Stevens; Elder David A. Bednar, of the Quorum of the Twelve; and President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, second counselor in the First Presidency.  Yeah, powerful speakers.  I will share with you some of my notes from this conference and my thoughts.

First, we must respect the commandments of God before the traditions of men.  We must always remember the order of the first and second great commandments.  So many times we can easily get caught in the ways of the world and in material things, which causes us to lose focus on the commandments of God.

Second, sacrifice is a necessary part of enduring to the end.  If we are not willing to sacrifice ourselves, we are not worthy before the eyes of God.  With an eternal view on life, the sacrifices that we offer up unto God are not really sacrifices.  In fact, distancing ourselves from God and His commandments is sacrificing our Eternal Life, contrary to the Will of God.  There is always a sacrifice that we must pay, but we must decide, if we hope to gain Eternal Life, to be agents to act for ourselves and pay that sacrifice now.  If not, we will have to submit ourselves, being acted upon, to an eternal sacrifice of suffering.

Third, more specifically than the traditions of men, we must avoid the traditions of our fathers that distance us from God. Africa is a continent of traditions.  Everywhere we go, we find traditions and customs.  Three of the four talks addressed this, two specifically towards the dowry, or the fact that the parents of a bride require certain "gifts" from the groom before they allow him to marry her.  This practice has led to marriage becoming a commerce, a way of income.  Parents almost lierally sell off their daughter, thus detracting from the sacredness of marriage.  The counsel that Africa as a continent received was to STOP participating in these traditions.

At first, I was a bit uncomfortable.  This would certainly cause some waves across the continent, but then I was reminded of several recent General Conference talks, most specifically, Elder Holland from April 2014, when he explained that people ask for gods that not only don't rock the boat, but don't even row it.  I was strengthed by this, and it became much easier to accept the boldness with which they spoke.

Elder Uchtdorf gave a powerful example.  Many years ago, in an African village, the Church installed a water pump.  In due time, this pump broke down, and the village returned to drinking and using the same dirty, infected water that they always had.  Some time later, repairmen returned with a new pump and some repair supplies, which would enable them to continually have this pure, clean water.  When met by a few villagers, these repairmen were astonished at the unwillingness of the people to have this new filter.  Their reasoning: "Our father drank this water, and his father, and his father, and his father, etc. So why should we not continue to drink it; it worked for them, and it works for us!"  With a bit of coaxing, the village accepted the new pump and training given to a few select men to be able to repair it themselves.  They were then blessed with pure, clean water.

This pure, clean water is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The dirty, infected water are the traditions of our fathers that are not in compliance with the commandments of God.  They invited the entire continent to STOP following the traditions of their fathers that lead them away from God, notably the need to pay the dowry.

This led me to think of how many traditions we have received in our modern, western culture that lead us away from God.  One of the first that came to my head (and I'm not sure why) was football on Sundays, and yes, that means the Super Bowl as well.  What is more important eternally, watch football or follow God's commandments with exactness.  Elder Gay also spoke very strongly about how we should not justify our sins or search for technicalities, saying, "oh, God will understand."  NO!  He has given us comandments for a reason!  It is up to us now to jump out of the current of tradition leading us away from God and follow in our Savior's footsteps.

Another thing that came to my mind was a question.  "Do I have any personal traditions or sins that lead me away from God?"  If so (and we all do), NOW is the time to STOP!

I was able to study the subject a bit, and here are a few scriptures that I like from my study: Helaman 5:50-51, Jacob 5:37, Alma 3:8, Matthew 15:3,13, D&C 93:39.

I know that these leaders that addressed us are inspired men that have paved the way now for us forward in Africa.  I testify that these counsels apply to all of us as well.  If you are reading this, I testify that you can find certain traditions in your life that are leading you awy from God and STOP them immediately.  It starts with a decision, which is followed by a goal and a plan.  I testify that the scriptures are true and contain many important truths and experiences that will strengthen us in our quest to be made perfect in Christ.

In invite all of us to search out the traditions of our fathers and our personal traditions that lead us away from God and to STOP them NOW.  I also invite us to search out the traditions that truly lead us TO God and to continue to implement them in our lives.  I promise that as we do, we will all fell of God's approval and acceptance through the power and influence of the Holy Ghost.

I love you all.  Have a great week.

Avec amour,

Elder Jenkins

Monday, November 17, 2014

I know you're there Heavenly Father. I know what I need to do; I need to be patient.

Hello again!  I swear, time has changed.  Weeks are now only 3 days long.  Or at least that what it feels like.  I woke up this morning and said myself "holy cow!  We're already to the 17th of November!!!!  The month's already over!"  Seriously.  I haven't even seen the past three months go by.

This past week we received the Doctrine and Covenants seminary DVD from the branch. I'm not exactly sure why, but we did.  So we had a bit of free time and decided to watch it.  I remember most of the videos from when I was a kid, and there was one particularly that stuck out to me this past week: the video about Zion's Camp.

Zion's camp was organized in response to early members of the Church in Missouri who were receiving much persecution.  The Lord instructed Joseph Smith to organize this camp to go to the aid of these saints in Missouri. The camp was organized and joyfully began their march from Kirtland, Ohio to Missouri.

Through the trials of heat, exhaustion, low food rations, and no drinkable water, many testimonies were tested.  With some occasional complaints, they pressed forward, accompanied by many miracles.  The Lord Himself stretched forth His hand to protect His camp.  When confronted by enemies much stronger and more numerous than them, the Lord sent a strong storm their way to prevent the opposition from crossing the river.  The camp rejoiced and worshipped their God that night.  Through the trials of disease, such as Cholera, even death, the camp pressed forward with the firm conviction that "the God of Israel direct[ed] this camp."

Before reaching their destination, Joseph Smith received the revelation that they must return back to Ohio.  Many complained that they had come to fight, not to flee, but the prophet testified with mighty power that God was leading them and watching over the distressed saints.

At the end of this brief video, the narrator explains that many thought that this camp was a simple failure.  They had gone to fight and came back without firing a single shot against an enemy.  14 lives had been lost to disease.  Much sacrifice had been offered for seemingly nothing.  But there was something much more important than war.  These men learned to sacrifice and be patient in the Lord's Will.  They learned to work hard and not
complain, even if they do not seem the immediate benefits or even the outcome.  Many lessons were learned, and boys truly became men in God.

At the end of the video, the narrator explained that 9 of the 12 apostles called at the beginning of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were members of Zion's Camp, and learned many important lessons of sacrifice and patience that would carry them through their years as apostles.

After watching this, I was pondering on this camp, and I was wishing within myself that I could have been there.  I wish I could have see the display of mighty faith and miracles.  I wish I could have gone through the transformation that all of these men underwent through the process of this camp.

As I sat pondering, the thought came to me that I am actually a part of this camp at the present time.  This mission that I am accomplishing is a modern-day Zion's Camp.  The trials and suffering that I am currently enduring are molding me into the person that the
Lord wants me to be.  I have the same trials of my faith everyday.

At one point of the video, Joseph Smith looks up at the sun, as if asking why it was so hot. Would a cloud come to shade it a bit?  Maybe a bit of wind to make it cooler?  There was much that was summed up in that simple look at the sun, and I do that almost daily.  I
understand a bit of what they suffered in that aspect.

This has been a great lesson for me as I have learned to endure cheerfully the trials that are placed along my path.  We need these trials.  They will mold us into the person that our God needs us to be for His work.  Just as the men of Zion's Camp, we can undertake these trials with patience and trust in God.  If we do, the God of Israel truly will be "on [our] right hand and on [our] left."  He will accompany us and stretch forth His Almighty Hand to protect us and help us to stand.

I testify of God's love for us.  He truly does love us perfectly.  No matter what we've done or how far we've strayed, His Hand awaits, outstretched, to take our own weak hands and lift us up.  He has never and will never forsake us.  We are His children.

I invite all of us to undertake our challenges and trials patiently and cheerfully.  May we all, when those trials come, look heavenward and say, "I know you're there Heavenly Father.  I know what I need to do; I need to be patient."  I promise that the Spirit of God will enter into our lives and guide us and help us to be even more patient and long suffering.  We will truly become sons and daughters of God: one with Him.

I love you all so much.  Have an awesome and patient week!

Avec amour,

Elder Jenkins

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Armor of God

Hello, hello!  Well, another week gone!  The weather is getting HOT and HUMID!  Much like Florida during the summer, but different. There's no air conditioning, we're not riding in a car where we can roll down the windows, and there's no drainage system.  So, if it rains, it all just sits there and humidifies the entire atmosphere.  So yeah, it's kinda hard sometimes.  Makes laundry a pain on Monday because of all the shirts I go through during the week, but whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

I've had some really good experiences this week.  For example, a HUGE storm came through Tuesday night and throughout Wednesday.  The rain calmed down enough Wednesday morning so that we could go out, but it was a poncho and flip-flop kind of day. We had to cross several puddles (some of which had just become a lake hahaha--no drainage), which made it a kinda fun day.  Elder Nkanza and I certainly did not miss out on all of the perfect rock skipping opportunities.

As we were going home in the evening, we noticed a car that was stuck in the middle of the lake.  Thankful for having worn flip-flops that day, we rolled up our pants and went out to push him.  It was pretty easy to get him out, but his car just didn't have any power after being drowned.  Once he got out ok, his car was fine.  He got out and thanked us graciously.  He then asked what we do and so we presented ourselves and our message. He was very interested, so we took his number to give to the other Elders (he's not in our area).  Just another miracle worked by service!

I called Elder Silvas to take some pics of us in our rain/ puddle
gear from our balcony as we were getting back to the apartment for
lunch. 11/05/14
"Are you sure this water's sanitary?  It looks questionable to me."  11/05/14
On our balcony 11/05/14
Another impressive experience that we had this week had to do with the Priesthood power.  I will not go into details, but I can testify that the Priesthood power is real and that God is infinitely more powerful than Satan.  I can testify that miracles are worked by faith and that it is by small and simple things that great things are brought to pass.

I'd also just like to share something that I loved from my studies this past week.  In studying D&C 27, I had another great opportunity to study "the armor of God."  With the background that I have now, I took this study to really apply it to myself and what each article represents for me.  Here's a little bit of what I found:

"Loins girt about with truth" - raising our posterity in the truth, or at least building the foundation necessary to be able to raise my children in the truth.

"The breastplate of righteousness" - protecting our vital organs (the precious testimony given to us by the Holy Spirit) with a foundation of consistent righteous living and repentance.

"Feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace" - two scriptures that came to mind are D&C 11:21 and D&C 31:11.  When we prepare ourselves with gospel study, we are promised that our feet will be guided and that our mouths will be filled with words.

"The shield of faith" - faith is and always will be the ultimate antidote to fear and doubt, two of the most commonly used tools of the devil.

"The helmet of Salvation" - keeping our eye single to the glory of God and our mind centered on Eternal Life--D&C 25:10.

"The sword of the Spirit" - the only offensive tool among the whole armor of God, a sincere testimony borne and received by the power of the Holy Spirit will strike down and render speechless the most vile of aggressors.

Voilà!  I've gotta go so I can finally send some pictures, but I invite all of us to build more firmly and more specifically our armor in God so that we might go to battle against Satan and stand triumphant over him.

Have a great week!

Avec amour,

Elder Jenkins

The baptism Saturday.  Not our candidates, but I was able to do the
interviews for all three of them, and they are three prepared
people!!! 11/08/14

Monday, November 3, 2014

We have a LIVING PROPHET on this earth today

Wow!  What a week it has been.  Possibly one of the most busy weeks of my mission.  In the past 8 days we have been to the mission office 5 times.  Seriously.  Pretty much an office elder now, but not even close.  We went twice for immigration, once to get blood analyses, once for a trainers' meeting, and then today we made raspberry cobbler!!!  So yeah, very busy.

The best and most important experience from General Conference.  I absolutely love this six-month rejuvenation sent from a loving Heavenly Father to inspire and strengthen His children.  These inspired messages have been such a great support for me in my life, but especially during the hardest times of my mission.  Again, I was able to find direction and comfort through the messages we were able to watch from the Saturday Afternoon session and the Sunday Morning session. Personally, I found the most guidance and comfort from Elder Klebingat's message called "Approaching the Throne of God with Confidence."  I had the opportunity to study this talk again this morning in more depth, and I truly felt the Lord speaking to me as Elder Hales said in the October 2013 conference.

I took out three major themes from this past conference.  First, the need to sustain and trust the living prophet that Heavenly Father has given to us to guide us through this life.  Second, the need for personal revelation in relation to our own personal spiritual strength in order to persevere unto Eternal Life.  Third, the need to stand strong as witnesses of God and disciples of Jesus Christ in keeping the sacred commandments firmly but constantly loving those around us.  I plan to study these topics thoroughly over the next six months and how I can heed the Lord's voice spoken through His General Conference.

I would just like to leave my testimony today of a living prophet.  This truth has been confirmed to me several times this week as I have been preparing to watch Conference and in wtching and pondering afterwards.  How blessed are we to have a LIVING PROPHET on this Earth today.  WE have the Lord's voice to lead and guide us.  With this humble but powerful voice, we can avoid "getting stuck" and keep moving forward with faith in a world that continually grows darker.

I testify that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord's ture and LIVING Church on the earth today.  He Himself has placed it there through a living prophet, Joseph Smith.  Today, as a successor of Joseph Smith, the Lord has called Thomas S. Monson to be His chosen and authorized voice to the world.  No other church can proclaim that with the divine witness of the Holy Ghost to seal this testimony.  As I said previously, the Holy Ghost has testified to me several times this past week that Thomas S. Monson is indeed a prophet of God.  I leave my personal witness with you and invite you to heed the counsels given to us through General Conference: to follow in the footsteps of the Savior and to seek our own personal testimony through personal revelation.

I love you all.  Have a great week!
Avec amour,

Elder Jenkins