"You will be an official representative of the Church. . . . Your purpose will be to invite others to come unto Christ . . . Greater blessings and more happiness than you have yet experienced await you as you humbly and prayerfully serve the Lord in this labor of love among His children. We place our confidence in you." Thomas S. Monson

Monday, October 27, 2014

The law of the Sabbath is a sacred and an inspired commandment

Hello all!  Sorry, We're pretty late again today.  It's been a very busy day of Immigration, visiting Elder Kunz before he leaves/getting my hair cut, souvenir window shopping, and buying all of the ingredients for my Halloween chili this week!!!  So I'l try to just cut straight to my point this week.

This week, like every week of my mission, I have noticed something very interesting.  I noticed that no matter how my week goes, my attitude towards the week in general is decided on Sunday.  More specifically, I will say that it is decided based on Sunday.  This past week started off very well but was diving kinda hard towards the end of the week.  I noticed on Saturday night and then Sunday morning that I wasn't just feeling right.  I said a prayer before going to Church that I would be able to turn myself around and have a good day.  Church was okay, but I just felt so exhausted during all of it that it wasn't my best one.  We got home and ate, and I was again able to pray for the strength necessary to go about the Lord's work in the Lord's way.

We went out in faith Sunday afternoon, and it was an EXCELLENT afternoon.  We had a great lesson with an investigator that has started to fall, so we got him back on track and taught him how to plan so that he doesn't waste time and fall into temptation.  He was really excited to put it into action!  We then went to a lesson that was a potential debator, but it actually turned out very well!  After getting to know him and his views in a previous lesson, we were able to present the gospel to him to show that we actually have many of the same beliefs, and we used that to introduce the Book of Mormon, and he was very curious.  At the end of the night, we finished with a visit to a member of the Aïbatin branch that works as a security guard in our area.  He has decided to stay in the guest room of the family he works for (our American/ Mauritanian friends!), and we found that there were already 6 members there to support and feed him, including the Branch President!  Just another example of the Christ-like love that drives Christ's living Church forward.

We got back to the apartment, and I thought, "Wow.  That was an AWESOME day!  Actually, it's been a pretty good week!!!"  I looked back on that feeling that I had, and realized that, once again, my week had been decided by how I spent my Sunday, or rather, the Sabbath day, which I thought was pretty significant.

The Sabbath day was instituted in the world's history in remembrance of the day of rest which the Lord took and as a day to worship Him and rest from our daily labors.  Among ancient Israel, this day was vigorously observed on the seventh day of the week, Saturday.  This continued up until Christ's life.  Jesus Christ himself perfectly observed the Sabbath as the Seventh day of the week.  However, after his death and resurrection (which resurrection occurred on a Sunday), the Sabbath was progressively changed to Sunday, the first day of the week, in commemoration of the Savior's resurrection.  This continued up until the time of the Great Apostasy. Today, in the fulness of times, the Lord has decreed--as He is the Master of the Sabbath--through revelation that the Sabbath should be observed on Sunday.  To this day, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints observes the Sabbath day on Sunday, as direct by the Master Himself.

Apart from myself, I have seen the blessings of this sacred commandment among the poverty of West Africa.  There is a great difference between the blessings and spiritual foundation of those who observe this commandment and those who do not.  In fact, this is so with all of the commandments.  Those who truly understand the gospel of Jesus Christ here know that this is their only hope.  Materially, they have almost nothing.  It can easily be depressing.  But the knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ brings blessings that lift these people up.  It is an incredible burden that they have been called to carry, and some do it with considerable ease because of their faithfulness to the Lord and His commandments.  It has been said by inspired Church and Mission leaders, "The commandments (and especially the law of Tithing) are the key to being rich in West Africa."  I agree.  In obeying with a willing heart, these people can be lifted out of their burdens and be placed in a position to lift others.  It is truly amazing and there is surely no other way than the Lord's way.

I know that the law of the Sabbath is a sacred and an inspired commandment.  I know that in observing this commandment, we will be led to be closer to our Savior Jesus Christ and our Father in Heaven.  The promise made in Doctrine and Covenants 59:9 is true.  In respecting the Sabbath day, we will be kept more unspotted from the world and its practices.

I invite all of us to live with more conscious intent on the Sabbath day: to consecrate this day to God, to abstain from our daily labors and activities that do not actively bring us closer to Christ, and to take time with our family to strengthen our relationships.  I invite all of us to come unto Christ through this sacred commandment.

I love you all so much.  Have a great week!

Avec amour,
Elder Jenkins

PS: Transfers were this past week, and I'll be staying in Fidjrossè for another 6 weeks (which I had planned on since I'm training)!  At the end of this transfer, I'll have spent 7 months in Fidjrossè, the most that I will have done in any area of my mission, since I'll have 5 1/2 months after that!

Note from Mom:  I received these pictures from Sister Christensen in the office on Wednesday morning with a note that Elder Jenkins had asked her to send them to me.  With him having to be in the office several days this week for immigration, he was able to see the Elders leaving for home as well as the ones come in.   

With Elders Hawkins, Seidl, and Kunz before they head back to the States (with Elder Izekor as well)

One last photo with Elder Kunz before he heads home.  (Notice the nice haircuts they gave each other)

Welcoming his good friend Elder Imoukheude back after he had to go home to deal with a medical issue.

Monday, October 20, 2014

"Bear Up Their Burdens with Ease"

Wow.  Time Flies.  Ain't no doubt about it.  This week has flown by.  But thankfully, in the whirlwind of time that was this week, I learned and saw in practice a very important principle.

My thoughts this week have turned towards Elder Bednar's April 2014 General Conference talk entitled "Bear Up Their Burdens With Ease."  I didn't have a chance to really study the talk until this morning, but I have listened to it a couple times this week and have tried to live the principles that are taught by Elder Bednar.  I will relate two experiences that I have had this week that have illustrated this in three different ways.

First, on Thursday, we had to go to the farthest neighborhood of our area.  It generally takes us over an hour of straight walking to get there.  The sun decided to really come out that day, too, so I was slightly dreading having to go out.  Thinking of the talk I had just listened to, I prayed that our burden would be made light.  Stepping out under the sun in faith and equiped with my new hat, we made our way to Akogbato.  We picked a member up at the branch as we had to visit a few single sisters and needed an adult male with us. "[African missionaries] sang as they walked and walked and walked and walked and walked..." Then, "We're already here?!"  We looked at our watches, and it had only taken 40 minutes!!  Almost stupefied we went about our visits.

On the way back, I was again slightly dreading the walk back, but with a renewed faith in the principle of lightened burdens, we again set out in faith.  The difference this time was that my legs were already exhausted.  After about 10 minutes of walking, the first counselor of our branch, who speaks English and very limited French, pulled up and said, "Hey!  I had just come to visit Bona [one of our investigators], but he said he's at the Church building.  Hop on in I'll take you guys back!!!"  I got in the car with a heart full of gratitude.

Second, on Saturday we were working with Frère Kazotti, the former Branch President.  We finished a couple of lessons and then had one of our appointments canceled last minute.  We called all of our back-ups, but no one was there.  We finally decided to just go to the Branch building and see, but there was no one there again.  We spent a few minutes there just wondering what to do.  Frère Kazotti shared something that had touched him from his personal study a few days before.  Just sitting there, I was starting to get a bit stressed because I don't like just sitting somewhere doing nothing as a missionary.  So I suggested that we go inside and offer up a quick prayer for direction.  As Frère Kazotti offered the prayer, the thought that came to my mind was just to go to the street corner and await further direction.  So we did.

As we were standing on the corner, Elder Nkanza and Frère Kazotti were bouncing off ideas, but I just didn't feel right about any of them.  We called a couple more people, but there was still nothing.  I still had the same feeling to just wait.  Finally, after about 2 or 3 minutes, a taxi-moto pulled up with a guy.  The guy on the back hopped off and exclaimed, in English, "OH MY GOSH! I've been looking for you guys!!  Where is the church in this area?" 

We asked which church, and he said, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!"

"Are you a member?"

"Yeah!  I was baptized about a year ago in Nigeria!"

"Okay, well, the church building is just right here.  Would you like to check it out real quick?"

"Of course!!!"

So yeah.  I was slightly shocked but more relieved.  After we showed him the building a bit, he promised that he would be there Sunday, and sure enough, he was there even before us Sunday Morning!  His name is Victor.

In studying "Bear Up Their Burdens With Ease," I was specifically marked by Elder Bednar's allusion to covenants.  Sacred covenants kept and made with the Lord truly are essential to the Plan of Happiness.  The word for covenant in French is "alliance."  The base of this word is "lier" the verb which means bind or tie.  With this background, I thought of covenants as cords that actually bind us to the Savior which allows Him to pull us through situations when we ourselves don't have the strength to do it, as long as we are faithful and true to these covenants.  The more covenants we make with the Lord, the stronger this bind becomes and the more we feel His presence and His yoke.

The first principle that I felt is well described by Elder Bednar with the story of the people of Alma in the Book of Mormon.  This people had several burdens literally placed upon their backs and were forbidden to pray aloud.  They continued to pray in their hearts, and the Lord heard them.  He promised that He would make their burdens light.  What happened next was not that the burden was taken away, but the scriptures tell us that "the Lord did strengthen them." (see Mosiah 24:13-16)  I felt this principle as we made our way to Akogbato.  The distance didn't change nor did the sun go away (there were a few small, but friendly clouds on the way), but the Lord gave us the strength to persevere, and we felt that our burden was made light.

The second principle is the principle of tender mercies, which I have not ceased to feel during my 17 months on my mission.  The Lord knew that the task ahead was extremely difficult, so He sent someone our way to help us carry our burden.

The third principle was the Lord giving us patience and direction.  The time that we had to wait with nothing to do was a trial for me.  I don't like not having anything to do.  But He first gave me direction as to what we should do and then the patience to accept His timing.  What I felt as a result of this was joy.  The sweet joy that comes through the Spirit testifying of God, the Father, and of His Son, Jesus Christ, and of Their eternal and infinite love for us.

I testify of the Lord Jesus Christ's atoning sacrifice.  I have felt but a mere particle of its power.  I have felt my burdens made light through my faith in Him and my covenants that bind me to Him.  I know that He loves each of us individually and perfectly.  I invite all of us to seek to feel His love more in our daily lives.

Again, if you have not had the opportunity to contract a sacred covenant with the Lord through his prescribed ordinances--the first of which being baptism by one holding the proper Priesthood authority--I invite you to do so.  I promise you that you will feel His strengthening power as you traverse the various trials of your life.  You will feel those covenants pull you through the toughest times of you life.  You will feel them pull you towards, and eventually to, Eternal Life.

If you have had the opportunity to contract certain sacred covenants, I invite you to stay true to these covenants.  If you have strayed, the way back lies, as always, upon the principles of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and repentance.  It may be hard, but I promise you that it will be so much more worth it.  We cannot imagine the joy that we will feel at the last day if we contract and remain faithful to these covenants with our Lord and Savior.

I love you all so much.  Have a great week!!!

Avec amour,

Elder Jenkins

Monday, October 13, 2014

The 200 back mission analogy

Hello all again.  I don’t think that I have too much to add for this week.  It’s been an ok week.  Lots of high moments but some down ones, too.

We had a great activity last Monday for the missionaries that will be going home soon. There was some awesome barbecued chicken, beach volleyball, and waffle ball.  Plus some beach soccer and beach Frisbee as well (yeah, we were on the beach).  It was a great unwind from the stress of our area right now.

Tuesday was phenomenal.  We had our first personal interviews with President Morin, and it was seriously such a good interview.  We just had a really good discussion together about obedience, budgeting, training, etc.  I also explained to him my race strategy for the 200 back and how I compare it to the mission.  I'm now coming up to the 150 wall where it hurts like heck, but I still give it everything and how the last 50 is all about focusing on one stroke at a time and giving every stroke every effort and finally finishing through the wall and not at it.  He loved it!  Overall it was just a nice conversation.  He's a funny guy, too.  He's got a great sense of humor.  Elder Silvas gave him some spicy Mexican candy and we got like a 30 second comedy show out of him.  It was a blast!!!

The rest of the week was a bit of a struggle due to fatigue and lack of investigators. However, with the Lord’s help, Elder Nkanza and I were able to pull through and finish the week strong.  It was so hard, but again, I just had to think of where I am in my long-term 200 back.  It’s supposed to hurt super bad right now, but all I’ve got to do is focus on one stroke at a time, one day at a time, and even sometimes one step at a time.  I wake up in the morning sometimes exhausted beyond belief after walking sometimes up to 12 kilometers (about 8 miles) the day before, but I just get up, exercise some more, and carry on with trust in the Lord.  Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger right?

Well, I think that’s about it for this week.  My apologies for a slightly short letter, but I hope and pray that this message finds you all well.  Best of wishes for the coming week.  I love you all so much!

Avec amour,

Elder Jenkins

Monday, October 6, 2014

I testify that the Holy Ghost lives.

Hello all!  What a week it’s been again!  As has become almost a custom for this period of my mission (or maybe my mission in general), I have felt a great spiritual growth this past week.  In everything that I’ve done, it has seemed to be centered on learning from and about the Holy Ghost.

The Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead.  He testifies of God, the Eternal Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ.  He comforts us in times of grief or sorrow.  He strengthens us in times of weakness.  He teaches us in times of learning.  He reminds us and recalls to our memory importants truths when necessary (and when we ask).  He guides us and leads us along the path to Eternal Life and can be our constant Companion if we are worthy.

I have felt the presence of the Holy Ghost in my life.  Since the beginning of my mission, I have felt His presence more often.  And especially in this past month or so (as I have taken a much more conscious effort to be exactly obedient), I have felt that he has been my almost constant companion. I am not perfect, and I still make many mistakes, but in my quest to be perfect and to repent promptly when necessary, I have felt His presence like I never before have in my life.

I have felt a formula presented by Elder Bednar in the October 2010 General Conference in practice. He explained that there are three things that we must do to have the Holy Ghost as a constant Companion. First, we must desire to receive Him.  Second, we must invite Him into our lives by prayer, scripture study, Sabbath Day observance, fasting, etc.  Third, we must live worthily in respecting all of the holy commandments of God.  If we do these three things, we will feel the Holy Ghost by our side constantly.

In my research and experience, I have found certain fruits of the Spirit.  Love for God and our fellowmen.  Gratitude to God and His Son, Jesus Christ.  Faith in Jesus Christ. Patience to accept the will of God in all of our activities.  Long suffering towards our fellowmen and their weaknesses and in our own trials.  However, the one that I have felt the most these past couple days is power. Spiritual Power over Satan and his temptations. This power has come through prayer, study, fasting, and research to better understand Doctrine and Covenants 10:5, which states: “Pray always that you may come off conqueror, yea, that you may conquer Satan and escape the hands of his servants that uphold his work.”

After much prayer and fasting and study, I finally not only understood the meaning of this scripture, but I FELT its power and truth.  I FELT the power that God has over Satan and will have eternally. And I knew that this feeling came from the Spirit.  That is how the Spirit normally works with people.  We FEEL.  Just as if we go from an air-conditioned room outside on a warm sunny day, we will FEEL the difference of the light radiating from the Holy Ghost.

I testify that the Holy Ghost lives.  I have felt His presence throughout my life, and the testimony that he has given unto me many times of God our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ has become a part of who I am.  I have felt this testimony in the very tissues of my mortal body.  I have felt His strength and His power.  I invite all of us to seek after His soothing influence constantly in our lives.

I know that it is only through the baptism I received by someone (my father) holding the proper priesthood authority of God that I am able to have the Holy Ghost as my constant companion.  I know that this proper priesthood authority is only found in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as it was restored to Joseph Smith through Peter, James, and John who received it from Jesus Christ Himself.

If you have not yet been baptized by someone holding the proper priesthood authority of God, I invite you to do so.  The blessing that you will feel in your life with be eternal, and you cannot even begin to imagine the joy that you will feel.  No lasting happiness can come from the world.  No matter how appealing the things of this world may seem, they will never last.  I have seen that first hand.  We have all seen what fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. can do to big homes and fancy cars. These things are eternally worthless.  The only real, true, and lasting happiness can be found in living the true and living gospel of Jesus Christ found in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I do not say that in pride or haughtiness, but I say that as a voice of witness from on high and a voice of warning. I know that these things are true, and I would declare them in front of all mankind, for God is my witness.

If you have already made sacred covenants with God through ordinances through His proper Priesthood authority, I invite you to stay true to these covenants.  You will feel of their saving power as you strive to live true to them, even if you have strayed from them. I know it. And as an official representative of Jesus Christ, I can, in all humility and respect, say that it is through His authority and through His merits that I can say that.  I know that as you strive to live true to your covenants with God, you will feel the strengthening power of the Holy Ghost.

Finally, I know that these are not my words, but the Lord’s.  I prayed specifically today, as I normally do, to share uplifting words with those who will read them.  I have, once again, felt His Spirit lead and guide me and inspire me as I have written these words.  This is a sacred feeling that I wish all of God’s children could experience more regularly: to know that you are on the Lord’s errand and that He will guide you and put words in your mouth (or on your fingertips).

That’s about how my week has been.  I love you all so much.  Have an inspiring, Spirit-filled week!

Avec amour,

Elder Jenkins